Plugins and apps for Windows, Mac and Linux


The Outlook Plugin is a very popular extension with corporations that want to integrate LiquidFiles into the corporate environment. It enables users to send large files securely directly from Outlook.

Download the Outlook plugin
The Outlook plugin

This screenshot depicts the Outlook plugin.


The features of the Outlook plugin includes:


Using the Mac Client you can send files directly through your Mac using standard OS X system functions such as address book integration, drag and drop of files and so on.

Download the Mac Client
The Mac plugin

Command Line apps for Windows, Mac and Linux

Sometimes the easiest way to integrate LiquidFiles with existing automated work flows is to use one of our Command Line (CLI) apps. We have command line clients for both Windows, Mac and Linux that you can use either as a FTP/SFTP replacement or for any form of batch processing.

Windows Command Line app Unix/Linux/Mac Command Line app
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